A Quick Update on the Shadows of Brimstone Insert Build

“That,” he said, “that… is really bad for the eyes.”

It was a ship of classic, simple design, like a flattened salmon, twenty yards long, very clean, very sleek. There was just one remarkable thing about it.

“It’s so… black!” said Ford Prefect. “You can hardly make out its shape… light just seems to fall into it!”

The blackness of it was so extreme that it was almost impossible to tell how close you were standing to it.

“Your eyes just slide off it…” said Ford in wonder.

From Restaurant at the End of th Universe, by Douglas Adams

Today the first print of some card boxes completed, and I wanted to share a first look at how they came out. Okay, It’s only one box, but I was pretty pleased with the initial results.

Bitmoji Image

The boxes were all labeled with the card type and set name (City of the Ancients for this one), and they are sized to be a perfect fit for each deck. The 2/3rd height box saves some time on the print, but is also great for use on the table as a deck holder during gameplay.

For this game organizer I chose the horizontal boxes for the cards, and I’m aiming to fit all of the stuff from one set into it’s original box! Okay, maybe not the map tiles ;).

I think that painting the recessed text might give it some much needed pop. Although, the black box with black lettering does give it a bit of a “Hitchhiker’s Guide” vibe.

And, black does seem appropriate for the “Growing Dread” deck.

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