Custom Minature Storage

Sure, you love your minatures. You’ve spent hours building, filing, priming, painting, and sealing your minis. You took care to base them thematically, and add just the right hilighting so they look awesome on the board.

So what now? How can you protect them from damage beween plays, or on the way to game night?!?

As someone who is (somewhat) new to painting minatures, I have been pondering this question for a while. I even spent a fair amount of time designing and printing a set of custom boxes to protect the minatures that I had painted.

While these do work, there were some things that I never liked about using these boxes. Such as when my box fell off of a table the minatures all fell out of the boxes. Doh!

Cut-away view showing base features

The “Void Hounds” don’t really fit well in these boxes either.

There are two great improvements that can be made to these boxes that make them much better for protecting the minis. First, adding a lid to the box will greatly help in preventing minis from flying everywhere during transit. (yay) The second thing that would help is the addition of features in the bottom of the box to hold the base of the mini and help keep it from contacting the sidewalls of the box.

The picture hides the lid, but there is a small (optional) lid that can be printed to cover the minis for stacking or for taking your minis out for a game.

This works quite well, but we don’t live in a perfect and uniform world where artist create sculpts that are symetrical. Alas, not all minatures are centered on the base, such as this Super-Mutant from the Fallout board game.

Exhibit one: This Super-Mutant has a hammer that extends beyond the base outline.

This is a great example of how a minature can based so that the centerline of the minature is offset from the center of the base. In order to fix this I updated the OpenSCAD module that generates the minature boxes to support offset. The update adds the ability to include [x, y] offset to the minature base inside of the box which will move the cutout in the bottom used to secure the base while stored in teh box. The boxes can now be tailored to the contruction of nearly any minature!

Minature box showing the effect of offset

Once the renders for all of the boxes have completed I will be posting the STLs for download. I’ll have to acid test this with the Harbinger and Goliath minatures from Shadows of Brimstone. I don’t think I may be brave enough to try to Ancient One 😛

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