Fallout the Board Game Box Insert

After working with the improved minature boxes, I went to the game shelf for something to use as a test case, and landed square on Fallout, the board game.

Fallout is fantastic implementation of the console game for the tabletop, and has a fun mechanic to add quest cards. As for fitting in the box, the game basically fits into the original box (even with the NCR expansion), but IMHO, is a bit challenging to setup.

There are over 150 quest cards, many, many tokens, minatures, and other card decks that need ot be sorted, shuffled, and placed out on the table. So, this is a prime opportunity for organization to make the game more playable.

The Minatures

There are 5 minatures in the base game: The Vault Dweller, The Wastelander, The Ghoul, The Super Mutant and the Brotherhood Deserter. Each of these minatures is beautifully detailed, and even though mine are unpainted (for now), I thought they would make an excellent set of guinea pigs for my experimental minature box.

The valut Wastelander and Ghoul are standard minature sculpts, with the centerline right over the base. The vault dweller has a slightly offset centerline from the base due to the rifle the figure is holding. And then there is the Super Mutant and Brotherhood figures. These figures offer loads of offset for me to test the offset base.

The Boxes

The boxes were designed with labels to easily identify the figures. They take full advantage of the base holder in the bottom of the box, as do they make good use of the offset feature of the model. As it turns out, the offset feature enables the boxes to be smaller, since it no longer is required to be a bounding box to contain the minature fully.

After slicing, I was able to fit all 5 on the plate with room to spare! They didn’t even take very long to print at just under 7 hours or so for the lot.

Right now there are only the miature boxes available, but I will soon be posting the files for the rest of the insert components.

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