Fallout: The Game Insert

With most of the components printed, I wanted to share some pictures of the work in process. So far, everything fits great, and there are components for all of the tokens, cards, and tiles for the base game. The New California expansion will need a few box updates to account for a few extra cards, tokens and the additional map tiles.

Most of what I’m waiting for is the remainder of the lids, and a new Nuka-Cola caps box to replace the one that can be seen in the photos below.


This insert contains deck holders for the perks, agenda, loot, assets, and unique items cards. Player cards (in this version) are stored along with the unique items cards. There are individual token holders for each of the enemy token types that were double sided to help with play through holding token stacks and discard stacks. Faction tokens, quest markers and trait tokens are neatly stored in a lidded faction box. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tokens are stored in another lidded token box, and Nuka-Cola caps are stored in their own boxes (one for the $1 caps and one for the $5 caps).

The map tiles are stored in an organizer, and the minatures are stored neatly in the minature boxes that I discussed in the post cutom minature storage. The minatures are stored with the custom S.P.E.C.I.A.L. token for each figure.

I hope to have all the components tested and ready for posting shortly, but in the meatime, check out the gallery below!

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