The Difference Between Game Inserts and School Lunch Supplies

They sometimes cost as much as the game, and often require labors hours with X-ACTO knives, glue and frustrating assembly instructions, so what is the big deal with inserts? I have read the question “Why should I spend as much as the game for an insert when plastic baggies do the same thing?” thousands of times in comments on videos, blog posts, and product reviews all over the web. So, I wanted to explain why I see the value in purchasing additional stuff for an already expensive board game when sandwich bags could do the same thing.

Fallout: The Game Insert

With most of the components printed, I wanted to share some pictures of the work in process. So far, everything fits great, and there are components for all of the tokens, cards, and tiles for the base game. The New California expansion will need a few box updates to account for a few extra cards,Continue reading “Fallout: The Game Insert”

Building Better Brimstone Boxes

It was back in 2017 that I first built an organizer for the game Shadows of Brimstone. It was shortly after spending weeks building and painting the miniatures that I realized that there was no feasible way to get the stuff back into the box. There was also no possible way that I was everContinue reading “Building Better Brimstone Boxes”

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