How To Package Hexagonal Tiles Using Mathmagic

If there is one comon thread amongst board games, it is that there is a board. However, not all boards are created equally. Some boards are all one peice, while other are modular and built either before or during the game. Modular game boards can be built using rectangular or irregular tiles similar to theContinue reading “How To Package Hexagonal Tiles Using Mathmagic”

Custom Minature Storage

Sure, you love your minatures. You’ve spent hours building, filing, priming, painting, and sealing your minis. You took care to base them thematically, and add just the right hilighting so they look awesome on the board. So what now? How can you protect them from damage beween plays, or on the way to game night?!?Continue reading “Custom Minature Storage”

Building Better Brimstone Boxes

It was back in 2017 that I first built an organizer for the game Shadows of Brimstone. It was shortly after spending weeks building and painting the miniatures that I realized that there was no feasible way to get the stuff back into the box. There was also no possible way that I was everContinue reading “Building Better Brimstone Boxes”

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